Zoe Heather Valentine is the titular portagonist of Zoe Valentine who is very into magic.
She is portrayed by Anna Cathcart.
Zoe has an eccentric and upbeat personality. She was one of the outcasts in Attaway High.
During seasons one and two, Zoe deals with the loss of her sister Cleo Valentine. It is understood that this has a significance impact on her personality, as she comes to terms with her death. As Zoe seeks for answers to her sisters life throughout season one, she is only faced with more questions. She is the treasurer of Attaway High's student council, alongside fellow members Isaac Jones and Viv Anderson.
Physical Appearance[]
Zoe has reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. She is of Chinese and European descent. She wears glasses.
Brody and Zoe met when they were younger. When they were 10 years old, Zoe persuaded him to start learning magic with her. He agreed on the condition that they would share it with no one. Zoe's response to this was that they would make no new friends. This resulted in a close bond between the two of them. They have a very playful and fun dynamic. When Zoe begins to make friends with Isaac Jones, Brody is envious of him.
At the start of season 2, when Zoe announces she and Milo went in separate directions, Isaac questions if it has anything to do with Brody. Although Zoe seems appalled by the idea, this changes throughout season two. On the first day of school, Zoe talks to Brody and questions why he hadn't gone on his phone frequently during the summer. Zoe assures him that she is just joking around, and that they have an entire year to continue to be outcasts, to which Brody awkwardly smiles at. While at Juniors, she sees Brody and Viv acting romantically. This upsets her relationship with Viv, and they become rivals for part of the season. Viv is standoffish to Zoe, as she can sense that there is something between her and Brody. Zoe begins to come to terms with her romantic feelings for Brody at the end of "Death".
During "World", Viv tells Zoe that she broke up with Brody. Viv wants to let her know as she feels that Zoe and Brody have romantic feelings for each other. Zoe rejects this idea dramatically. At the student council halloween party, Brody and Zoe go outside to talk. This leads to a touching moment between each other where Brody tells Zoe he is not sorry he broke up with Viv. He tells Zoe he knows another girl, "Super sweet and funny and pretty. Nicer than anyone deserves. Loves her friends, her family, and magic." They walk back into Juniors and then hold hands.
Isaac Jones[]
Isaac Jones is the ex boyfriend or as Zoe describes him - widower, of Cleo Valentine. Isaac first introduces himself to Zoe during season one, at the end of a math class they take together. He invites her to a party at Boots Botsman house with a bunch of Cleo's friends. She declines his offer as she already has plans with Brody, but is starstruck by him approaching her. While Zoe is making her way to Brody's house, Isaac pulls up in his car and convinces her to come with him to the party, "just for an hour." While at the party Zoe gets roped into a game of spin the bottle, where she is forced to kiss Isaac. Right before they kiss, she flees the scene claiming she can't do it.
Sometime in the next couple of days Isaac finds Zoe when she is walking home from school. He apologizes for pressuring her to come to the party. He tells her he thought she might be lonely without Cleo around. Zoe tells him she doesn't need his "pity friendship." After this, he invites Brody and Zoe to another party at Boots house. Brody turns him down, telling him that him and Zoe are training to become "professional magicians." This prompts Isaac to send Zoe a note in class asking to see her magic tricks, to which she responds "maybe." Brody calls Zoe the day of the party and asks her to come to Isaac's party with him. At the party, Zoe wanders off and finds Isaac alone in a room. She goes to join him and they end up having a conversation about Cleo. They talk about how they miss her, which leads Zoe to tell Isaac that she thinks Cleo was cheating on him with Kent Andrews. Isaac is not upset by this, which confuses Zoe. He then confesses that his relationship with Cleo was a lie because he is gay, and Cleo knew. He says that Zoe is the only person on the planet who knows, as Cleo is no longer with them. This is an emotional bonding moment between the pair of them, which draws them closer together.
Isaac, alongside Kiba is what draws Zoe into student council. He tells her they want him to join student council. Isaac begs Zoe to come to Junior Spring Fling with him as friends because he has a special surprise that she won't want to miss. Although Zoe attends the Spring Fling with Milo instead of Isaac, she still experiences the surprise he put together; a memorial for her sister.
Zoe meets up with Isaac at the start of season two. They talk about their summers and Isaac tells Zoe he heard about her break-up with Milo. He teases her about liking Brody, right before they part ways for school before student council at 3. Isaac likes to tease Zoe about her and Brody. Isaac initially struggles to listen to Zoe while she is complaining and Brody and Viv's relationship, because he is texting. Eventually he reveals to her that he is texting Elliot Fares, a boy from football camp.
Milo Vargas[]
Zoe and Milo get together during season one. They meet at a party at Boot's house. After this, Zoe approaches Milo in the hallway when Boots is teasing him for being gay. Zoe tells him she isn't happy with how Boots treats him, but Milo reassures her that he isn't actually gay. Eventually they attend Attaway High Junior Spring Fling together, despite Milo asking Zoe after Isaac. Milo asks Zoe in her living room with a heartfelt confession. Zoe has to reject him because she is already planning to go with Isaac. This does not sit well with Milo and he leaves to confront Isaac. Zoe and Milo's relationship is short lived, as season two opens with Zoe telling Isaac that it "turns out [we were] better as friends."
Raya Williams[]
Zoe meets Raya on the first day of their sophomore year, in class. Raya notices Zoe is holding a deck of cards, and asks her if she "has any tens." They have a playful first interaction where they discover they both have something in common - magic/tarot. Raya thinks Zoe's magic hobby is "so cool" and introduces herself. The two have been known to hang out together and do tarot readings. There is a bit of conflict between them when Raya tries to set Zoe up with her brother, but they resolve it quite quickly.
Riggs Williams[]
Riggs and Zoe meet in math, as they are both a year ahead. They both see each other as skilled good at math. To Zoe's surprise, she learns that he is the adopted brother of Raya. At one point, Zoe believes that she has a crush on Riggs, due to Raya's meddling. They have dinner with their parents, but decide they aren't right for each other.
Viv Anderson[]
Zoe and Viv meet for the first time at the first student council meeting of the year. Viv shows that she is interested in being in student council to make Attaway High more green, which Zoe appears interested in. She introduces herself after council ends and tells Viv she was impressed by how she stood up against Austin DuPont. Zoe comments on the doodles on Viv's notebook and she tells her that her boyfriend drew them for her. Zoe and Viv seem to click, but this is quickly shattered when Zoe later finds out that Viv's boyfriend is none other than Brody. The next time they meet, Zoe acts cold towards Viv, brushing her off in the hallway. Their relationship remains rocky throughout the season, but improves towards the end when they start to work together more for student council.
Autumn Miller[]
Zoe and Autumn meet during Spring Breakaway. Autumn makes a cameo in Zoe Valentine where she goes to a teen grief group with Zoe and Kate. Autumn calls Brody out about how he stopped spending as much time with Zoe just so he could be with Viv. Autumn might have also had a crush on the main character Zoe, you can see she goes to lengths such as going to grief group for her until her fathers late death, and much more.
- Zoe is shown to be quite smart; she is a grade ahead in math.